Village Life - Aberkenfig and Sheilagh's Thoughts...

This is a place for stray thoughts and musings on and from my home village after thirty-odd yearsaway.

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Location: Bridgend, Wales, United Kingdom

I have recently moved back to Aberkenfig, my home village and have decided to write about it. I have a mixed Welsh, English and Maltese heritage and have spent some time (decades!)in Cardiff. I gave up fulltime work to go part-time and write. I am a mediator, trainer, facilitator, advocate and consultant and also do regular work with adults with learning disabilities - and love doing so. What else? I'm a very contented feminist living a pleasant life back in the village...

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Godless in Caerffili...

Lots of twittering going on - in the old-fashioned sense - about the latest census findings. There was the usual panic and immigration debate but a big issue was the increase in the number of those who say they have no religious belief.

The census found that there were four million fewer Christians in England and Wales in 2011 than 10 years earlier and the area with the biggest decrease (does that make sense?!) in faith  in general is Caerffili! Non-belief has leapt from 16 to 17% to 40%! Despite this being discussed on at least two news items on Radio 4 I can't find a piece specifically on the place but found this Guardian article about the changes in religious belief in Blaenau Gwent:
Census and religion: churches lose their appeal in struggling Welsh valleys

This is the general picture on Christianty n the UK as described on the BBC News site:
Churches had pointed to the 72% of people who described themselves as Christian in the 2001 Census to help justify their claim that Britain is a "Christian country".
The sharp decline in the number of people in England and Wales identifying themselves as Christian to 59% is a sign of the religion's weakening influence in society.
The secular trend is confirmed by the significant increase in the percentage of people describing themselves as having no religion from 15% to 25%.

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