Village Life - Aberkenfig and Sheilagh's Thoughts...

This is a place for stray thoughts and musings on and from my home village after thirty-odd yearsaway.

My Photo
Location: Bridgend, Wales, United Kingdom

I have recently moved back to Aberkenfig, my home village and have decided to write about it. I have a mixed Welsh, English and Maltese heritage and have spent some time (decades!)in Cardiff. I gave up fulltime work to go part-time and write. I am a mediator, trainer, facilitator, advocate and consultant and also do regular work with adults with learning disabilities - and love doing so. What else? I'm a very contented feminist living a pleasant life back in the village...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Heavens! here I am again then! But only because Fran has new blog and I was having a nose, so thought I'd check if I was still here so to speak...

Well - Whether I was facing redundancy last year or not - I'm really being made redundant week after next! I'm obviously a great believer in life after redundancy from previous comments. The collapse of my employing organisation sad for clients and colleagues, but probably healthy kick up the backside for me. I've just launched a new website - my third - this one more social care stuff as other two are mediation and training:

I do like a nice cosy rut, but I need to find some more lucrative work - not hugely - just enough to be able to relax a bit more.

Meanwhile I'm having a lovely time. Being 55 and single can be fun. I'm being quite sociable generally at the moment as well - although I've not done anything cultured for a while, I've seen more of friends recently which is great. And still love my own company.

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